Adults: Preparing for Surgery
Your physician has arranged a date for your surgical procedure and will provide specific instructions for you to follow. Please remember to complete your online registration.
The day before Surgery:
- You will receive a call from our Pre-Op Call nurse to review information that you provided on-line with Medical Passport or to obtain information regarding your medical history.
- You will be notified of your arrival time as well as fasting instructions in preparation for your procedure. Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before your surgery. The only exception is if you are directed to eat or drink by your surgeon or the pre-op call nurse. Food in your stomach can cause serious complications during surgery. Consequently, eating or drinking could cause your surgery to be canceled or postponed. Avoid alcohol and tobacco 24 hours prior to your surgery.
- Remove nail polish and body piercings before your surgery.
- Leave jewelry and large sums of money at home.
- Notify your Doctor or Healthcare Professional if you develop a cold, fever, respiratory infection or other illness or change in your medical condition prior to surgery.
The morning of your surgery:
- Bathe or shower the morning of your surgery. Please avoid using body lotion, makeup or hair spray. If you shampoo your hair be sure that it is dry.
- Wear loose fitting, comfortable clothing and shoes.
- Plan to arrive at the time you were instructed to by the pre-op call nurse to allow for adequate time admission procedures.
- Bring a storage case for glasses, contact lenses, and/or hearing aid.
- If you take medication on a daily basis, take the medication as directed by the pre-op call nurse.Bring you insurance card and a photo ID with you.You should make arrangements with an adult family member or friend to accompany you to the Center
Following your surgery:
- After surgery, you will be provided with discharge instructions that include what you can eat and drink, activity restrictions, medication instructions, and post-operative care. Of course, if you have any questions regarding your post-operative recovery, you are encouraged to contact your surgeon.
- For 24 hours after your surgery, adhere to the following:
- Have a family member or friend drive you home and stay with you.
- Do not drive, sign important documents, or make critical decisions.
- Do not operate machinery, power tools or appliances.
- Do not drink alcoholic beverages.